Sunday 5 May 2024

The Quest-Seeker Court of King Merryjohn

I'm deep into two "main" projects, and of course I had to add another side project into the mix. What if the Flesh-Eater Courts... were nice? They certainly think they are, and I wanted to indulge them in that. Pics and info about the Court of King Merryjohn below the jump...

Thursday 7 March 2024

The Wreck of the Saint Erasmus


Finally a finished project to show off! I started a small Cities of Sigmar force last year with the release of the box set, and here's the first thing ready to blog about. Read on below the jump for more about the Wreck of the Saint Erasmus.

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Deathrattle Army - the Host of Hazurbanipal IV

With a few new additions since I last posted this proect, I thought I'd showcase the entire immortal host of Hazurbanipal IV. Appropriate for a Halloween night, this is a Soulblight Gravelords force made up entirely of skeletons. More pics below the jump...

Saturday 30 September 2023


A new project I've been working on in an original setting - the dark forests of Mori. Multiple new warbands and scenery in a non-AoS style, and I've tried to push my photography with this project. Read on below the jump for a deep dive into this weird place, and a ton of photos.

Sunday 10 September 2023

Return to Mordheim

Time to revisit my favourite of all of Games Workshop's settings: Mordheim. This time I'm building multiple small warbands, a display backdrop, scenery, the works. Much, much more below the jump...

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Deathrattle Army - The Sons of Velmorn


The Sons of Velmorn from Warhammer Underworlds add some nice variety among the new GW skeleton designs. I painted them up in the colours of my Deathrattle horde and gave them some matching shields. Pics below the jump...

Monday 7 August 2023

Throne Of Blood

Blasting back into blogging with the ferocity of a tank-mounted daemon. I hope this smashbashed Blades of Khorne Herald of Khorne on Blood Throne will make up for my long absence.

Sunday 28 August 2022

Necrons update


Recently I revisited one of my longest running projects, and one of my favourites to return to: Necrons. Pictures and info on all the new conversions I added below the jump...

Sunday 24 July 2022

Beasts of Chaos update - new kitbashes and Folk Horrors

I've been adding to one of my favourite running projects, my Beasts of Chaos gang. Now I've completed the second unit of Ungors and added a Smashbash monster and some fantastic new metal sculpts from Gardens of Hecate and Andrew May Meridian Miniatures. More pics below the jump.

Friday 27 May 2022

Revisiting Space Wolves - Infantry Squads

Intercessor Squad Þorberg

In 2020, I took on a full 40k Space Wolves army as a lockdown project, the first time I'd approached a straightforward out-of-the-box project on this scale. I had something around 1500pts before I moved on to a Soulblight Gravelords army in 2021 and I always intended to revisit the Space Wolves. I'm finally doing that! This post will focus on the infantry squads that have received a fresh round of painting attention. Plenty of new pics below the jump...