Wednesday 16 October 2024

Necron Overlord


Soon after finishing the rest of the Necron group project, I finally managed to source the pieces for an Overlord kitbash I had planned. Process and tons more pic below the jump...

 This Necron group takes inspiration from the classic 3rd Edition lore, in which the Necrons are soulless, robotic undead - puppets of the Ctan. So it's a difficult balance to bring in character figures that aren't too much "personalities" themselves. So the plan for this one was to distinguish it mainly by size, and give it a pose that is more tragic than commanding. It's a figure that's been ruined and brought low by the Ctan.

For size, the best option was the Skorpekh Lord. I think this model has the biggest body of all the modern Necron sculpts (except maybe the Silent King, who is out of my price range). It also has the cool collar embellishments that marks out the Necron command models. Finally I managed to source one at a sensible price!

As with the Heavy Lokhust, I made it this model a biped by giving it legs from the Royal Warden. These are, I think, the biggest set of Necron legs (again except maybe for the Silent King), and Wardens are pretty cheap to find on eBay. Initially I cut and reposed the legs straight, not wanting to repeat the exact same pose as the Lokhust and the Royal Warden in this group a third time. But then realised his pose needed to communicate more heaviness - its huge body has to look like a burden - so I re-posed them again. The final pose ended up pretty similar to the starting position. Oh well!

I kept the original Skorpekh pelvis to retain as much of the bigger body as possible. There's a extra attachment point at the back for its third leg, which I simply covered over with a spare spine/tail from the Lychguard set.

Its weapon is from one of the many plastic Necron Lords. I rebuilt it with brass rod to match my Lychguard. That extra length also helps it look like the Overlord is leaning its immense weight, helping with the impression of the model as big but weak.

The head is another Necron warrior head. I chopped it in half and offset the two halves for some nice battle damage. I didn't have a suitable left arm - there's only a few Necron arms with open hands and I didn't have any spare. Instead he got a reversed leg from a Necron warrior - one of the legs with its armour plating missing. It works well as a big arm with its wiring exposed.

Painting was the same as before: sponging metallics heavily to get texture. I used a lot more pigment in weathering this time, which I thinkturned out well. I'm very happy with its uncanny proportions, and I like that the 40mm base makes the model loom much larger.

I have an idea for at least one more Necron character, and I might add to this group over time.


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