Monday, 29 July 2019

Age of Sigmar Moon Aelves part 3

In time for the #28magchallenge deadline, here is my complete Ian Miller inspired force of Moon Aelves, descended from the wandering moon Celine to steal the breaths of mortal folk.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

AoS Relic Lizardmen Part 9: Skinks complete

Well it's been a little while since we last saw these guys. Here's a unit of five Relic Lizardmen Skinks plus their commanding Skink Priest, complete at long last. Way more pics below the jump:

Monday, 1 July 2019

Age of Sigmar Moon Aelves part 2

Dropping an update on my #28magchallenge entry. Two specialised units of Moon Aelves and their leader are assembled and ready for a closeup.