Saturday 24 November 2018

#Kitbashember 21-24 Necron Monolith

Today's #Kitbashember prompt is "Sneaky/Carrier". I chose to interperet "Carrier" as a personnel carrier, although I've seen other amazing kitbashes taking it to mean an equipment-carrying trooper. So what's a Necron's preferred transport? A sneaky portal-bearing Monolith of course...

You can probably tell this Monolith is entirely scratch built. The outside is milliput but I didn't want to build a solid brick of the stuff so I first built a scaffold with the shape that I wanted. This was made of sprue offcuts, which I glued more and more supporting sprue pieces to until it was rock solid. I also stuffed some tin foil in there for good measure.

The Monolith frame, made from sprue bits
After that, applying an outer layer of milliput, keeping it smooth as possible. After that, I sanded it and used some Vallejo liquid putty to fill any gaps. The doorway was the most difficult part. I had to leave a recess with a smooth surface, which I filled in with some styrene plastic from a container.

I still need to add a flying support to lift it off the ground very slightly. It's gonna hover a little bit above its base when it's done. The top is rough as if broken, but the sides are sheer, flat stone. It's in keeping with the look of my Necrons as "space undead", who might emerge from an eerie floating tomb gateway...


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