Thursday 26 October 2017

Work In Progress

Here's a group shot of the Chaos Space Marine squad. There's a lot of blue-tacking at this stage, but they're taking shape. I began with a set of 5 Dark Imperium space marine intercessors from ebay + a big grab bag of assorted bitz. My working process involves cutting and splicing small pieces of bits with generous millput useage to fill the gaps. The commander character for example has the breastplate from a Blood Angel model which needed some trimming & padding to fit on to the Primaris torso. The winged shoulderpads are also from the same Blood Angel kit and have had their iconography scraped off and replaces with (carefully trimmed) Harlequin masks. I seem to be doing a lot of careful trimming.
Since my last post, the commander character (left) received a promotion to a bigger base, which I'm going to milliput texture onto like the others. He's a Slaaneshi champion so he is going to want to look as grand as possible.
The dog-helmed marine at the back has had his snout replaced with an old Tyranid nozzle bit, which I imagine to be some kind of elaborate rebreather. He's also got an extended bolt rifle that's just out of shot in this photo.
Front-right is an in-progress noise marine! I'm scratch-building a noise cannon out of a bolt rifle and fleshy bits from Tyranids and elsewhere. Without access to the rules I don't know if you can take a single noise marine in a squad of bolter marines but as I mentioned before I'm not planning to make a game-legal regiment.

I am planning to start showcasing them individually on here as each one is more or less completed. There's also more models in the works as part of the same project and some of them are very experimental indeed.

I have started adding some in-progress photos to Instagram. My handle is @instahekatoncheires.


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