Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Space Slann


This one's been a long time coming. Inspired by @court_of_the_yellow_king's #RogueTrader28 idea, I started kitbashing this group of Space Slann in early 2023. A lot of setbacks and breakthroughs happened in that time. Finally they're finished (mostly). More pics, background and homebrew Slann lore below the jump...

Friday, 8 November 2024

Cities of Sigmar Misthåvn

At last the infantry for my Cities of Sigmar army is complete. This group hails from the city that captured my imagination when the revamped Cities were released: the shadowy city of Misthåvn, which is made from hundreds of sailing ships moored together. Loads more pics and background below the jump...

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Necron Overlord


Soon after finishing the rest of the Necron group project, I finally managed to source the pieces for an Overlord kitbash I had planned. Process and tons more pic below the jump...

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Necrons Nihilus

I've done Necrons before - in fact it's one of my favourite and most popular projects. But while my "red Necrons" are a kitbash project made with almost no actual Necron parts, I was in the mood recently to try out a more traditional version using the (excellent) official models. Tons of pics and background below the jump...

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Salamanders Space Marine

A one-off project and a study in rendering materials. This is a little one-off experiment in a non-conventional depiction of a Space Marine. Pics and process below the jump.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

The Quest-Seeker Court of King Merryjohn

I'm deep into two "main" projects, and of course I had to add another side project into the mix. What if the Flesh-Eater Courts... were nice? They certainly think they are, and I wanted to indulge them in that. Pics and info about the Court of King Merryjohn below the jump...

Thursday, 7 March 2024

The Wreck of the Saint Erasmus


Finally a finished project to show off! I started a small Cities of Sigmar force last year with the release of the box set, and here's the first thing ready to blog about. Read on below the jump for more about the Wreck of the Saint Erasmus.

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Deathrattle Army - the Host of Hazurbanipal IV

With a few new additions since I last posted this proect, I thought I'd showcase the entire immortal host of Hazurbanipal IV. Appropriate for a Halloween night, this is a Soulblight Gravelords force made up entirely of skeletons. More pics below the jump...

Saturday, 30 September 2023


A new project I've been working on in an original setting - the dark forests of Mori. Multiple new warbands and scenery in a non-AoS style, and I've tried to push my photography with this project. Read on below the jump for a deep dive into this weird place, and a ton of photos.

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Return to Mordheim

Time to revisit my favourite of all of Games Workshop's settings: Mordheim. This time I'm building multiple small warbands, a display backdrop, scenery, the works. Much, much more below the jump...